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This is an open source development, so your feedback and contributions would be invaluable in improving this piece of software.

It would be particularly useful to have feedback on

  • Failures to install or crashes: please let me know in particular the version of Windows, Windows Media Player, or other host application, and the type of CPU and version of Windows that you are using.  It would be helpful to report the results of the steps listed on the troubleshooting page.
  • The error messages, particularly if they are misleading, confusing or irrelevant
  • Interesting uses that you have made of Convolver or ConvolverFilter (eg, good impulse response files)
  • Walkthroughs for particular applications (ideally for reproduction here, or on
  • New features that you would like to see
  • Performance details

Email me (jrp-at-dial dot pipex dot com)


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Copyright © 2006-8 Convolver
Last modified: 16-Jan-2008 20:24 -0000 Logo