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  • If on installation you get a message to the effect that convolverWMP.dll failed to register, check that you have Windows Media Player 9 or 10 installed.

Loading ConvolverFilter / ConvolverWrapper

  • These filters will not (yet) load with Sony applications such as AcidPro as these require certain Sony-specific interfaces for displaying property pages to be implemented.

Config files

  • Make sure that you are using the latest version of Convolver.  The format of the config files has changed a couple of times to accommodate new features.


  • If ConvolverWMP is not engaged, that is if you don't get a little logo in the bar at the bottom of Windows Media Player during playback

and (so) you don't hear any effect, check that the filter sample rate (eg, 44.1kHz) is the same as the sample rate of the filter that you have selected. Similarly for the number of input and output channels (eg, stereo to stereo).  You can select the number of speakers from Windows Media Player | Tools |Options:

Note that after you change the filter/config in ConvolverWMP following such a mismatch, you may need to restart Windows Media Player to get it to retest ConvolverWMP's compatibility with your playback setup (otherwise it may continue to assume that ConvolverWMP is not applicable to the playback stream).

  • If ConvolverWMP is engaged, and you don't hear anything, try increasing the attenuation on the ConvolverWMP dialog.  Start with the calculated optimum value.
  • If you still don't hear anything, check your drivers. For example, Sound Blaster Live! 5.1, DR release 1.3.0 (according to Soundblaster auto update), actual driver version, produces silence when used with 32-bit audio.  Use the MME drivers instead.
  • If, after playing music of one format (sample rate, channels) you change the filter to one with a different sample rate or a different number of input or output channels, ConvolverWMP will issue a warning. You will need to select music of the right format before Windows Media Player will play.  Indeed you may also need to restart Windows Media Player.
  • Convolution, by its nature, generates a lag between the input and output.  ConvolverWrapper and ConvolverFilter will, therefore, generate only silence until that lag (half the partition length) has passed.  You may also need to add some silence at the end of the input if you want all the valid input to be processed when by ConvolverWrapper and ConvolverFilter.


ConvolverWrapper sets the output sample format type to be identical to the input sample format type.  ConvolverWMP (Convolver DSP plug-in) and ConvolverFilter negotiate input and output format types independently.

If nothing works, or you get noise, clicks, crashes, etc ...

  1. Check that your system meets the requirements set out at the bottom of the main page.
  2. Confirm that perftest runs from your installation directory (normally C:\Program Files\Convolver\Convolver) using an impulse response file (filter, audio file) of your choice (in this example Orwellian Assembly Hall.wav)
    C:\Program Files\convolver\convolver>perftest 8 2 1 "Orwellian Assembly Hall.wav"
    2 Paths (Stereo to Stereo direct) 44.1kHz 50544 taps Lag: 25272 taps 0.57s Estimated gain: 30dB Peak gain: 70dB
    2 Paths (Stereo to Stereo direct) 44.1kHz 50544 taps Lag: 25272 taps 0.57s Estimated gain: 30dB Peak gain: 70dB
    Partitions      Rate    SecCalc SecLoad Attenuation     Filter Length   Partition Length        Iteration
    0       	53.8    0.213   0.168   -37.6   	50544   	50544   		1
    0       	53.8    0.213   0.167   -38.2   	50544   	50544  			2
    1       	50.8    0.225   0.163   -38.2   	50544   	50544  			1
    1       	52.7    0.218   0.17    -38.2   	50544   	50544   		2
    2       	51.9    0.221   0.17    -38.3   	50544   	25272   		1
    2       	53.6    0.214   0.178   -38.3   	50544   	25272   		2
    3       	57.4    0.2     0.163   -38.1   	50544   	16848   		1
    3       	55.7    0.206   0.165   -38.1   	50544   	16848   		2
    4       	46.3    0.247   0.161   -37.8   	50544   	12636   		1
    4       	50.1    0.229   0.222   -38.4   	50544   	12636   		2
    5       	53.2    0.217   0.166   -38.2   	50960   	10192   		1
    5       	52.4    0.22    0.161   -38.1   	50960   	10192   		2
    6       	51.4    0.223   0.161   -38.7   	50544   	8424    		1
    6       	52.3    0.219   0.164   -37.5   	50544   	8424    		2
    7       	51.6    0.224   0.162   -37.5   	50960   	7280    		1
    7       	51.4    0.225   0.172   -37.5   	50960   	7280    		2
    8       	42.1    0.272   0.172   -37.8   	50544   	6318    		1
    8       	40.7    0.282   0.161   -37.8   	50544   	6318    		2
    Total load time: 3.05s
    Total execution time: 4.07s
  3. If you are running convolverVST, check that perftest runs from outside the installation directory.  This will require your installation directory to be in your PATH.  See the convolverVST page for instructions on setting your PATH.
  4. Verify that ConvolverWMP (DSP plug-in) runs in Windows Media Player 9/10.  See the usage page for instructions, and the tips above.
  5. If you are getting strange noises, verify that ConvolverFilter runs from Media Player Classic and make a note of the input and output formats being used. (See the usage page for instructions.  After selecting a file for playback (Ctrl-O), select Play | Filter | ConvolverFilter | Pin Info.)
  6. If you have more than one soundcard (or built-in sound and a soundcard) try updating the drivers and/or using the other sound output device on your system.
  7. Report the problem using the instructions on the feedback page.


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Last modified: 16-Jan-2008 20:24 -0000 Logo