makeIR |
makeIR input.txt output.wavmakeIR generates a wav file (output.wav) from a text file specification (input.txt). This can be used to generate impulse response files manually. (This is mainly for test purposes.) The layout of input.txt is <format> <bits per sample> <channels> <sample rate> <sample 1, channel 1> ... <sample 1, channel channels> : <sample N, channel 1> ... <sample N, channel channels> where
For example PCM 32 2 44100 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 specifies a 2-channel, 32-bit PCM filter of length 4 that doubles the volume of the source. Additionally, to generate WAV files that have speaker placement information or higher sample resolutions, the input.txt can be of the form: <format> <bits per sample> <channels> <sample rate> <valid bits per sample> <channel mask> <sample 1, channel 1> ... <sample 1, channel channels> : <sample N, channel 1> ... <sample N, channel channels> where
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